The Executive Committee of the KTA

According to § 4 of the "Bekanntmachung über die Bildung eines Kerntechnischen Ausschusses" the KTA is governed by an Executive Committee ("Präsidium") consisting of four members. The members of this Executive Committee elect a chairperson as well as a vice-chairperson for a period of two years. The Executive Committee issues rules of procedure and acts accordingly. The decisions of the Executive Committee are taken unanimously.

The financing groups of the KTA (manufacturers, utilities, licensing and supervisory authorities and expert organizations)  decide on a member and an assistant member for the Executive Committee for a duration of 4 years. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety appoints these members and their assistant members. After the end of their appointment period the members and assistant members continue in their positions until a new Executive Committee is appointed. The membership in the Executive Committee is not limited to one period.

Presently, the Executive Committee has the following members and assistant members:


For further questions please feel free to contact the KTA office by phone or email!