Composition of the KTA

Comoposition of the KTA

The Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss - KTA) consists of 35  members in five groups of seven members each.

The KTA Safety Standards are issued with a 5/6 majority vote (30 positive votes necessary) of the 35 members, meaning each of the 5 KTA-groups has a blocking minority.

History of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

1967 - 1972

Preparatory talks about foundation of a Nulear Safety Standards Commission (KTA) in analogy to the DDA (Deutscher Dampfkessel Ausschuß, founded 12/1923)


1st Meeting of the designated KTA-presidency


Announcement on the foundation of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission


1st Meeting of the KTA

1973 - 1990

Creation of an "Office of the KTA" (KTA-GS) at the Institut für Reaktorsicherheit der Technischen Überwachungsvereine e.V. (IRS) and later at the Gesellschaft für Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH


Administrative assignment of the "Office of the KTA" (Geschäftsstelle des Kerntechnischen Ausschusses - KTA-GS) to the Federal Office of Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS))


50. Meeting of the KTA


Reduction of the number of KTA members from 50 (= 5 x 10) to 35  (= 5 x 7)


Administrative assignment of the "Office of the KTA" (Geschäftsstelle des Kerntechnischen Ausschusses - KTA-GS) to the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE))


73. Meeting of the KTA


The "Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit (BfE)" was renamed to "Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) (Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management)".


50th anniversary of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA).


74. Meeting of the KTA in Berlin


Decisions of the KTA for 2024 in written form

Histogramm of the development of the KTA safety standards

The following histogramm shows the development of the KTA safety standards between 1972 and 2024 (click to enlarge)